Solar Dental Specialties

Connect With Your Dentist And Hygienist

Prevention is the key to a lifetime of good oral health. If you can develop an open line of communication with your dentist and dental hygienist you will have taken a good first step toward that goal.

Preventive dentistry depends on a correlation between personal home care and in-office professional attention. Your hygienist will be able to give you tips on the best dental products available for your specific needs. There are so many over the counter choices of toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental tools that the advice from a professional who has seen first-hand results can be extremely beneficial.

Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste twice a day and flossing at least once is the basic formula for a healthy regimen of good oral hygiene. Add an antibacterial mouthwash, a tongue scraper and a water irrigator for extra protection that you can apply on your own. A nutritional diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is also essential to the plan.

As far as professional care is concerned, your dentist will advise regular six-month checkups so that if there is an issue it can be dealt with at the initial stage when treatment is most likely to be successful. Every checkup will include thorough teeth cleaning. X-rays and oral cancer screenings will be taken periodically. Share your concerns with your dental professionals and be sure to ask questions about a diagnosis or procedure that you may not completely understand.

Call Solar Dental Specialities today @ 720-739-1630 in Parker, Co.